v056pxb4@ubvmsd.cc.buffalo.edu (John P Weiksnar) (06/25/91)
I'm looking for animation creation software which will allow: [] 640x480 resolution [] realtime capture of LINE DRAWING INPUT (from Summasketch Pad) --e.g., the sketching of shapes on the screen [] subsequent realtime screen output of the above at AT WILL --e.g., in a batch-type file [] INSTANT display of pre-drawn line drawings along with above --e.g., a whole geometrical shape all at once instead of the "dot-to-dot" realtime drawing method [] storage of UNLIMITED (i.e., disk-based) line drawings from above [] (Are you still with me?) [] SIMULTANEOUS "playback" of other, stored graphics along with the captured line drawings/animations --e.g., subtitles at certain intervals The software must run on the following: [] MS-DOS (or Win3) 386-33 with 4Meg of RAM [] TRIDENT 8900-based SVGA with 1 Meg of RAM [] MS-Mouse/Summasketch-compatible input device So far, I've tried Entropy Engineering's VIDEO CHALKBOARD to create the animated line drawings, but the storage capacity of playback sequences is limited to only 16, and the "INSTANT ON" capability and SIMULTANEOUS "subtitle" playback features are not available. The graphics also seemed low-resolution. I have also looked into Autodesk's original Animator, but the comparatively low resolution meant immediate disqualification. Animator PRO _MAY_ be a contender, but is presently not ship- ping (to my knowledge). I'm also uncertain about the "realtime" line drawing capture (vis-a-vis frame-by-frame) requirement. So, I will cherish ANY suggestions from end users or developers who know of such an animal (before I start writing one myself!) and should you recommend it to me . . . WHO KNOWS--I may even grant you a credit in the finished product video!! -- John P. Weiksnar v056pxb4@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu