(Don Graft) (06/26/91)
Respected net people, I'm having a problem with EMM386.SYS (under DOS 4.01 and now 5.0) that defies logic. I have a simulation program written in Borland C++ small model. It just does a 4th-order Runge-Kutta system of ODEs to simulate a series of masses and springs. It uses the Borland software floating point support (i.e., no math chip). The Borland BGI stuff is used to display results to a VGA graphics mode. There is no use of expanded memory or anything fancy going on with memory management (that I know of). When I run this simulation without EMM386.SYS installed, it blazes. When I install EMM386.SYS with the noems switch, it crawls. We're talking 45 secs versus 20 seconds for a typical run; this is no quibbling about a few percent. So, what the h is going on? I don't see any slowdowns in other programs, but admittedly this is the only computationally intensive program I run. I'm desperate for a solution as this is a feasibility test for a larger simulation of neural holography. I will need as much memory as I can get and won't want to wait unnecessary hours for runs to complete. (Coprocessor upgrade time!) Thank you for your attention. Posted replies would be appreciated as this may have general relevance. BTW, my system is an Amstrad 386 20MHz with 4M. Donald Graft (no signature)