[comp.os.msdos.misc] xcopy /s fails

TOMIII@MTUS5.BITNET (Thomas Dwyer III) (11/20/90)

Suppose you have the following directory tree:

       |          |
       |          +---DIR3

DIR2 and DIR3 have their R/O bits set.  Why does XCOPY fail to recurse with
the command line "XCOPY \DIR1 \DIR4 /S" ?

Thomas Dwyer III                        Email: tomiii@mtu.edu
Network Programmer                             tomiii@mtus5.BITNET
Computing Technology Services           Voice: (906) 487-2110
Michigan Technological University       Fax:   (906) 487-2787

tcs@router.jhuapl.edu (11/21/90)

In article <90324.035212TOMIII@MTUS5.BITNET>, TOMIII@MTUS5.BITNET (Thomas Dwyer III) writes:
>Suppose you have the following directory tree:
>   \---+---DIR1---+---DIR2
>       |          |
>       |          +---DIR3
>       |
>       +---DIR4
>DIR2 and DIR3 have their R/O bits set.  Why does XCOPY fail to recurse with
>the command line "XCOPY \DIR1 \DIR4 /S" ?
>Thomas Dwyer III                        Email: tomiii@mtu.edu
>Network Programmer                             tomiii@mtus5.BITNET
>Computing Technology Services           Voice: (906) 487-2110
>Michigan Technological University       Fax:   (906) 487-2787

What do you get? I think what's happening is XCopy is "XCopy <Src> <Dest>
<Options>". You can do an XCopy \ and it should work.

Carl Schelin

fisher@sc2a.unige.ch (11/22/90)

In article <90324.035212TOMIII@MTUS5.BITNET>, TOMIII@MTUS5.BITNET (Thomas Dwyer III) writes:
> Suppose you have the following directory tree:
>    \---+---DIR1---+---DIR2
>        |          |
>        |          +---DIR3
>        |
>        +---DIR4
> DIR2 and DIR3 have their R/O bits set.  Why does XCOPY fail to recurse with
> the command line "XCOPY \DIR1 \DIR4 /S" ?

You're right, XCOPY seems to have a wrong file attribute pattern when looking
for sub-directories.  (Probably looks for "attrib == dir_attrib" instead of
"attrib & dir_attrib != 0", which means that subdirectories must have exactly
the "normal" attribute pattern...)

But I'm curious about your file system:  What's the use of setting the
read-only flag of a directory under MS-DOS?  The flag isn't even enforced
at DOS level, so who cares?

Markus Fischer, Dpt. of Anthropology, Geneva CH.

bosch@cs.utwente.nl (J. Christian A. Peper) (11/22/90)

TOMIII@MTUS5.BITNET (Thomas Dwyer III) writes:
[tree deleted...]
>DIR2 and DIR3 have their R/O bits set.  Why does XCOPY fail to recurse with
>the command line "XCOPY \DIR1 \DIR4 /S" ?

When I want to xcopy a dir like that I never specify the internal dirs, I
only specify the root of however many dirs are underneath it.
So e.g.:

temp ----- tmp1
 |	    |
 | 	    dir1
 | 	    |
 | 	    dir2
 --------- tmp2

 I only tell xcopy about the \temp dir. That usually works, and I've moved
 VERY big dirs this way....ca. 10 subdirs etc...!

 Good luck,

Christian Peper			| The speed of light...If not instantaneous,
bosch@utis15.cs.utwente.nl	| it is incredibly fast! - Gallileo
aka Dreams, aka Sexy Dutchman	| Spaarnestr. 73; 7523 VK Enschede, Holland