ras2@engr.uark.edu (Richard A. Smith) (12/02/90)
Will somekind soul please clear the water on Extended Memory for me. Is this stuff any good for anything aside from a RAM disk? Are windows and Desqview the only packages that will use this stuff? The machines that I work on at work have no less than 4 megs of Extended memory on them and two of the 5 have 8 megs!! But what can we do with it? So far all we do is set up a RAM disk and have AUTOCAD copy most of its overlay files to the ram disk to greatly enhance its preformance. Why does DOS have such a hard time accessing stuff above 1 Meg?? And why is there not and easy way to fix it. (If thier was an easy way ir would be in common use!!) The 386 I program on has 8 megs of Extended RAM and I can't get DOS to use It unless I go but a package like Windows or desqview.. Arghhhh its so frustrating.. I have tried several Expanded memory simulators that use Extended memory but they all seem to interfere with some of the software I use or was using or will be using for that matter. I have read in Dr. Dobbs somthing about that on the 386 there is a way of going into protected mode and setting up the Extended memory and then when you switch back it does not reset the memory vector table and you can Trick the 386 to use all the Extended memory. But will this work on DOS?? Will sombody sit down and write a clear, consise but detailed of the workings of the Extended Memory system and why so many 3rd party software vendors go to the Expanded system when I seem to me that not only is it inefficient but lots more Costly in $$ than Extended. If this has already been done then PLEASE tell me where to find it. I am sick of hearing all this mumbo jumbo about Extended and Expanded memory and end up just getting more confused than I was to start with. Please feel free to use all the normal jargon associated with a topic of this sort just include a glossary of all the terms that are not blaently obvious. (And I dont mind being talked to like a New User because is alot of ways with this indepth memory stuff I AM!!) After all is said and done and if I happend upon some devinde enlightment I will post a Summary of my voyage into the realm beyond 1 MEG! Thanks in Advance Richard -- Richard A. Smith | Dont look at me, I'm still an ras2@engr.uark.edu | undergrad!! University of Arkansas @ Fayetteville | Disclamer: I'm a college student.