[comp.os.msdos.misc] How can I hide files?

izslc19@discg1.UUCP (james cook) (11/10/90)

 Is there a way I can hide files on my directory so that someone else
 could not see them if they did a DIR.  I want to put some games on 
 my directory, but my boss uses my PC on occassion and looks at files.
 Is there a way these game files would be invisible to him if he did
 a DIR. ( Some sort or utility or command that I would execute that 
 would make files invisible if I left my workstation for a period of
 time).  Does such a command or utility exist.  Any comments will be
 greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance.

Jim Cook      (215) 687-0607     AV 442-0607 
Philadelphia, PA

mcastle@mcs213f.cs.umr.edu (Mike Castle) (11/11/90)

ATTRIB.ARC   PD1:<MSDOS.DIRUTL> Utility to alter file attributes
ATTRIBCR.ARC PD1:<MSDOS.DIRUTL> Set file attributes util by Craig Milo Rogers
CA13.ARC     PD1:<MSDOS.DIRUTL> Enhanced change attribute command, subdirs too
CHATT.ARC    PD1:<MSDOS.DIRUTL> Change File Attributes - full screen - easy
CHMOD2.ARC   PD1:<MSDOS.DIRUTL> Change file attributes, like Unix's 'chmod'
CHNGFIL.ASM  PD1:<MSDOS.DIRUTL> Change file attribute, read-only/hidden/system
FILEATTR.ARC PD1:<MSDOS.DIRUTL> Set file attributes, hide, R/O, ARCH
PATTR.ARC    PD1:<MSDOS.DIRUTL> Patriquins File Attribute toggler utility
SATTRIB.ZIP  PD1:<MSDOS.DIRUTL> Modify all attributes inc hidden, sys & dirs
SFA.ARC      PD1:<MSDOS.DIRUTL> Menu-driven file attribute setter

These are all available at simtel20.army.mil ( in the directory
listed above (PD1:<MSDOS.xxxxx> )  or at wuarchive.wustl.edu (
in mirrors/msdos/xxxxx.
If anyone knows of any other mirrored archives of Simtel20, please let me
know and I'll add them to this generic response.
     Mike Castle       | Life is like a clock:  You can work constantly and be 
        Nexus          | right all the time, or not work at all and be right   
S087891@UMRVMA.UMR.EDU | at least twice a day. 
  mcastle@cs.umr.edu   |                           Love does not exist anymore.  

croft@mwk.uucp (KENN CROFT, EXT. 4483) (11/12/90)

In article <5001@discg1.UUCP>, izslc19@discg1.UUCP (james cook) writes:
>  Is there a way I can hide files on my directory so that someone else
>  could not see them if they did a DIR.  I want to put some games on 
>  my directory, but my boss uses my PC on occassion and looks at files.
>  Is there a way these game files would be invisible to him if he did
>  a DIR. ( Some sort or utility or command that I would execute that 
>  would make files invisible if I left my workstation for a period of
>  time).  Does such a command or utility exist.  Any comments will be
>  greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance.
> -- 
> --------------------------------------------
> Jim Cook      (215) 687-0607     AV 442-0607 
> izslc19@discg1.UUCP
> Philadelphia, PA

Rather than hiding files, you might try creating a directory named with ASCII
characters 255.  I'm guessing that most people will not notice its existence. 
To do this, use the DOS "md" command and, instead of typing normal alphanumerics
for the name, hold down the alt key while typing 255 (on mine I HAVE to use the
numeric keypad numerals, I don't know how general that rule is) then repeat the
ASCII 255 if desired.

This method is not so secure, but it always struck me as rather convenient.  It
will show as a subdirectory, but the name will be blank and hard to notice. 
The advantage to this is that once you get into the directory, you don't have to
worry about unhiding any files.

There are probably more elegant solutions, but it was the first thing that came
to mind.


           Kenn Croft

drack@titan.tsd.arlut.utexas.edu (Dave Rackley) (11/12/90)

Is your boss really that stupid?  :-0   :-)

Try ATTR.COM, it's found in most archives.


  DISCLAIMER?  I don't know anything 'bout any ol' disclaimer!         

| David Rackley		        |                                             |
| Applied Research Laboratories |        Remember, you can tuna fish,         |
| The University of Texas       |         But you can't tuna piano!           |
| Austin, TX.  78758            |                                             |

Greg.Smith@bohemia.UUCP (Greg Smith) (11/12/90)

To: izslc19@discg1.UUCP (james cook)

jc> Is there a way I can hide files on my directory so that someone else
jc> could not see them if they did a DIR.  I want to put some
With Dos, all files have attributes.  Archive,ReadOnly,System, and HIDDEN! 
What you are looking to do is to turn the Hidden attribute on for these 
files, Dos comes with a utility called Attrib (or something like that). 
This command would hide MrGame.Exe:
Attrib -H MrGame.Exe
See your dos manual for more info.  If that doesn't work, I can give you 
some Pascal source for Hiding files.  Also, norton utilities and 4dos have 
enhanced versions of Attrib.

--- QuickBBS 2.64 (Eval)
 * Origin: Bohemia BBS system (303)449-8946 (200:5000/301)

Greg Smith - via MetroNet node 200:5000/301
For best results, reply via UUCP: ...!boulder!bohemia!Greg.Smith

john@DRD.Com (John Horeth) (11/13/90)

You can also use PC Tool to hide the file and if you have version 6.0 you can
even hide the directory that your games are in from DIR.  You can still do a
change dir to get to files and execute just like before.

john@DRD.com             | John M. Horeth, II 
{uunet,rutgers}!drd!john | Horeth Programming Services, Inc. - (918)622-9232
                         | c/o DRD Corporation (918)743-3013

tmottonen@cc.helsinki.fi (11/13/90)

In article <5001@discg1.UUCP>, izslc19@discg1.UUCP (james cook) writes:
>  Is there a way I can hide files on my directory so that someone else
>  could not see them if they did a DIR.  I want to put some games on 
>  my directory, but my boss uses my PC on occassion and looks at files.

    It would be easiest if you'd make a directory (\GAMES?), put
    all your games under it and then hide the directory using

	Teemu Mottonen	    |         |	internet: tmottonen@cc.helsinki.Fi
    University of Helsinki  |         |   bitnet: TMOTTONEN@FINUH
   Dept.of Computer Science |_________|	  decnet: HYLK::TMOTTONEN

rusbara2@sage.cc.purdue.edu (Bob Rusbasan) (11/14/90)

In article <4007.27401017@cc.helsinki.fi> tmottonen@cc.helsinki.fi writes:
>    It would be easiest if you'd make a directory (\GAMES?), put
>    all your games under it and then hide the directory using

Whoa!  What DOS are _you_ running?  I wish mine could do that!  ;-)

| Bob Rusbasan          |  This space unintentionally left blank.    |
| bob@en.ecn.purdue.edu |                                            |

lsalomo@hubcap.clemson.edu (lsalomo) (11/14/90)

From article <5085@sage.cc.purdue.edu>, by rusbara2@sage.cc.purdue.edu (Bob Rusbasan):
> In article <4007.27401017@cc.helsinki.fi> tmottonen@cc.helsinki.fi writes:
>>    It would be easiest if you'd make a directory (\GAMES?), put
>>    all your games under it and then hide the directory using
>>    ATTR.COM (ATTR +h C:\GAMES).
> Whoa!  What DOS are _you_ running?  I wish mine could do that!  ;-)

If ATTR +h C:\GAMES doesn't work, you can always use NU to manually change the
attribute bit of the directory entry.

Q - the "Q"uestor for knowledge (, a degree, etc.)

"Gee Wally, I think there's something wrong with the Beaver."

tcs@router.jhuapl.edu (11/15/90)

In article <5085@sage.cc.purdue.edu>, rusbara2@sage.cc.purdue.edu (Bob Rusbasan) writes:
>In article <4007.27401017@cc.helsinki.fi> tmottonen@cc.helsinki.fi writes:
>>    It would be easiest if you'd make a directory (\GAMES?), put
>>    all your games under it and then hide the directory using
>>    ATTR.COM (ATTR +h C:\GAMES).
>Whoa!  What DOS are _you_ running?  I wish mine could do that!  ;-)
>| Bob Rusbasan          |  This space unintentionally left blank.    |
>| bob@en.ecn.purdue.edu |                                            |

It's possible, all you need is something that can hide directories. I use 
Norton's when I need to hide a directory (which I don't have to do very 
often). ATTR from PC Magazine (I think) can hide directories.

Carl Schelin

roy%cybrspc@cs.umn.edu (Roy M. Silvernail) (11/15/90)

rusbara2@sage.cc.purdue.edu (Bob Rusbasan) writes:

> In article <4007.27401017@cc.helsinki.fi> tmottonen@cc.helsinki.fi writes:
> >    It would be easiest if you'd make a directory (\GAMES?), put
> >    all your games under it and then hide the directory using
> >    ATTR.COM (ATTR +h C:\GAMES).
> Whoa!  What DOS are _you_ running?  I wish mine could do that!  ;-)

Hmmm.... I think it's in the command processor. I run 4dos, and

attrib /d +h dirname

works just fine. (just tried it, to be sure)
Roy M. Silvernail |+|  roy%cybrspc@cs.umn.edu  |+| #define opinions ALL_MINE;
main(){float x=1;x=x/50;printf("It's only $%.2f, but it's my $%.2f!\n",x,x);}
"This is cyberspace." -- Peter da Silva  :--:  "...and I like it here!" -- me

phys169@canterbury.ac.nz (11/16/90)

In article <5001@discg1.UUCP>, izslc19@discg1.UUCP (james cook) writes:
>  Is there a way I can hide files on my directory so that someone else
>  could not see them if they did a DIR.  I want to put some games on 
>  my directory, but my boss uses my PC on occassion and looks at files.
>  Is there a way these game files would be invisible to him if he did
>  a DIR?

(1) Yes, there are lots of public domain programs to hide files.
(2) There is even an "ATTRIB" supplied with DOS (but most versions don't set
    the hidden attribute)
(3) You might be able to put the executables in a directory with a name made
    up of ALT-255 characters (if you don't know how to do this don't worry, 
    it's not a very good idea anyway)
(4) (best suggestion yet) Don't keep the games a secret from your boss. As a
    general rule, people bringing games disks along and running them on PC's
    doing important work can introduce viruses and other nasties. If you
    don't know enough about DOS to hide a file, you probably don't know
    enough to avoid viruses. (Okay, anybody can bring a virus onto a computer,
    but if one is discovered, your games files are going to be found when
    somebody thoroughly scans the computer, and you might be shot at dawn

Mark Aitchison.

whos@ddsw1.MCS.COM (Ben Feen) (11/17/90)

Is the "hold down ALT and type on the numeric keypad" trick mentioned in the
MS-DOS users manual????
whos@ddsw1.MCS.COM | I don't know, who's at DDSW1? | whos@ddsw1.MCS.COM!
I asked YOU who's at DDSW1! Ok, there's a guy at DDSW1, right? | Right!
Who? | Exactly! | What? | No, he's at lll-winken. | Where? | No, What! |  I
don't know! | He's at gargoyle. | Who? | No, he's at DDSW1.MCS.COM!

userAKDU@mts.ucs.UAlberta.CA (Al Dunbar) (11/19/90)

In article <6359@mwk.uucp>, croft@mwk.uucp (KENN CROFT, EXT. 4483) writes:
>In article <5001@discg1.UUCP>, izslc19@discg1.UUCP (james cook) writes:
>>  Is there a way I can hide files on my directory so that someone else
>Rather than hiding files, you might try creating a directory named with ASCII
>characters 255.  I'm guessing that most people will not notice its existence.
You can also set the "HIDE" bit on the directory entry for this
directory. Won't "the boss" become suspicious when he sees
something wierd on your PC? Also, if he knows anything about
utilities such as PCTOOLS, he'll discover almost anything you try
to hide. Wouldn't you be better off by not risking your job by
stealing time your boss has paid for?
Al Dunbar          |
Edmonton, Alberta  |  "this mind left intentionally blank"
CANADA             |          - Manuel Writer

silver@xrtll.uucp (Hi Ho Silver) (11/19/90)

In article <1990Nov17.001950.21770@ddsw1.MCS.COM> whos@ddsw1.MCS.COM (Ben Feen) writes:
$Is the "hold down ALT and type on the numeric keypad" trick mentioned in the
$MS-DOS users manual????

   I don't believe so, and it shouldn't be.  It's not a feature of MS-DOS,
after all, but rather of the firmware of the IBM PC.
HI ROGER |Nikebo says "Nikebo knows how to post.  Just do it."| silver@xrtll
yunexus!xrtll!silver (L, not 1)  | Hi Ho Silver  | costing the net thousands
Silver:  Ever Searching for SNTF |i need a grilf | upon thousands of dollars

sci240s@monu6.cc.monash.edu.au (mr w.j. ho) (11/19/90)

What about hiding the directory?

^     Wey Jing Ho (Mr HO)            E-mail : sci240s@monu6.cc.monash.edu.au   ^
^ Physics Dept., Monash University ( Caulfield Campus ), Melbourne, AUSTRALIA  ^

berggren@eecs.cs.pdx.edu (Eric Berggren) (11/20/90)

whos@ddsw1.MCS.COM (Ben Feen) writes:

>Is the "hold down ALT and type on the numeric keypad" trick mentioned in the
>MS-DOS users manual????

  MS-DOS 4.01 doesn't seem to care for that very much from the command-
  To hide a file, write a couple of simple utilities to create and view
files and/or directories that have the character 127 as the first character
of the name.

     "Round and round the while() loop goes;
           Whether it stops," Turing says, "nobody knows."

kmcvay@oneb (11/22/90)

berggren@eecs.cs.pdx.edu (Eric Berggren) writes:

> whos@ddsw1.MCS.COM (Ben Feen) writes:
> >Is the "hold down ALT and type on the numeric keypad" trick mentioned in the
> >MS-DOS users manual????
>   MS-DOS 4.01 doesn't seem to care for that very much from the command-
> line. 
>   To hide a file, write a couple of simple utilities to create and view
> files and/or directories that have the character 127 as the first character

I used ALT-255 to create hidden directories on MS-DOS 4.01 systems with 
success for about a year now. The directories are accessible from the 
command line or from batch files; I use them to provide a secure haven for a 
communcations front-end (FrontDoor 1.99/2.0) system files, to prevent 
inadvertant fiddling which might bring the (automated) mail system down. The 
software recognizes it (FrontDoor) and MS-DOS 4.01 does as well. What sort 
of problems have you experienced using ALT-255 with 4.01?

zhou@brazil.psych.purdue.edu (Albert Zhou) (11/23/90)

In article <1990Nov19.012745.17526@monu6.cc.monash.edu.au> sci240s@monu6.cc.monash.edu.au (mr  w.j. ho) writes:
>What about hiding the directory?

Just by call DOS function FindFirst and FindNext, I can still see it. This time
it's even worse. Because after I find the hidden directory, I'll discover all
the files hidden in this directory.

PC does not provide real security doing this kind of things. If your PC is
connected to a network, try to hidden your file in your network account.

qingzhou@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Qing Zhou) (11/27/90)

	This reminds me of a very nice software called PCLock my friend
got. With it one can conveniently hide files and directories, this sort
of things. The most impressive part is that it can rebuilt any .EXE and
.COM file so that you can run it only after you enter the correct
password you preset. It's $9.99, I believe. I got the address from my
friend for you guys:  Creative Software, POB 2005, W Lafayette, IN

qingzhou@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Qing Zhou) (11/27/90)

    This reminds me of a very nice software called PCLock my friend
got. With it one can conveniently hide files and directories, this sort
of things. The most impressive part is that it can rebuilt any .EXE and
.COM file so that you can run it only after you enter the correct      
password you preset. It's $9.99, I believe. I got the address from my  
friend for you guys:  Creative Software, POB 2005, W Lafayette, IN     


  To make a file hidden with MS-DOS, just change the attribute bit in the direc
tory table.  It is easyest to use a utility such as Norton or such to do this.

bondi@dri.com (Bob Bondi) (12/14/90)

There is a standard option in the DRDOS 5.0 operating system that has
password abilities, also. When used the file may not be seen when doing
a DIR command. This works great on entire directories, also!
Of course, this is only one of the many new ideas DRDOS 5.0 has. You should
investigate how DRDOS 5.0 can improve the performance for your system(s).