(david lavigne) (01/16/91)
I am using DOS 4.01 on a 12 MHZ AT compatible at home. At school I use a program that works on an IBM PC using ms-dos 2.1 or 2.?. When I attempt to use this program on the AT I get a sharing violation error message. The program states that is is compatible with dos 1.? and greater, so I am wondering if it uses the old style file structures vice the structures used in dos 3.? and greater. I have read somewhere(probably on the net) that SHARE.EXE has problems with old Dos file formats and am wondering what effect that removing SHARE will have. I have a 40Mb hard disk and am not networked to anything. Will not having share loaded do unspeakable things to my hard drive? I only plan to not have share loaded for this program only and will reboot after program execution. Any info would be greatly appreciated. David Lavigne P.S The program is the student edition of P-SPICE for the PC. And yes I do own and have documentation, but it does not have anything to say on this matter.