[comp.os.msdos.misc] Computer Addiction

dlittlej@beach.csulb.edu (Darren Littlejohn) (02/13/91)

     A study is being conducted regarding addictive behavior and computer
use. I am an upper division psychology major at California State University
Long Beach, and am interested in behaviors related to computing in groups
that are recovering from addictions and in groups that are not recovering.

If you are interested in participating, please fill out the following
 questionnaire and mail it (US mail) to me at the address provided below.
Email response is ok for me if ok for you. You may  also reach me at:
                         Darren  Littlejohn

Please fill out the following and return to the following address as soon as possible via US 
mail:  ( my deadline for receit is Feb 28)

Please don't forget to physically sign the Informed Consent and 
include it in the envelope.

To preserve everyone's right to confidentiality and anonymity, please 
do not include your name in the response.

I will send out results in March to all who are interested, just leave 
me an e-mail note.

  Darren Littlejohn
  2142 San Anseline
  Long Beach, Ca 90815

  Thank You Very Much!


#Check  this box if you are a member of a 12-step recovery program    [  ] 
1) How old are you?                 
18-22   [  ]            23-26 [  ]             27-30 [  ]           31-35 [  ]      36-45 [  ]         46+[  ]

2) How much education do you have?    
High School   [   ]               Some college  [   ]         Graduate [   ]             Post Graduate  [   ]

3) What is your occupation?     


4) While at work, how many hours per day do you spend on a computer
   in work related activities?
less than 1  [  ]          1-2.5  [  ]     2.5 -4 [  ]     4-6 [  ]      over6  [  ]

5) While at work, how many hours per day do you spend on a computer
   in non work related activities?
less than 1 [  ]         1-2.5 [  ]      2.5-4 [  ]         4-6 [  ]      over6 [  ]

6) Do you regularly complete 75-90% of your daily work assignments?

	yes [  ]            no [  ]
7) How much money have you invested in personal computer equipment?

under 1000$ [  ]     1001-2000$ [  ]        2001-3000$ [  ]    3001-4000$ [  ]     4001- 5000$ [  ]     

over 5000$ [  ]

8) In reference to question #7, do you feel that the amount you       
spent was within your budget?
                                                                            yes [  ]       no [  ]
9) Do you feel you have enough computer equipment?

                                                                              yes [  ]     no [  ]

10) How many software programs do you have?
5-10 [  ]    11-20 [  ]     21-35 [  ]    36-50 [  ]   50-75 [  ]    76 and above [  ]

11) In percent terms, how much of your software do you utilize  on a regular basis?

under 25% [  ]     25-50% [  ]      50-75% [  ]     75-100% [  ]

12) Do you feel that you are obsessive and or compulsive about computing?
 sometimes [  ]     usually [  ]     always [  ]     never [  ]  

13) Do you use computing to avoid day to day responsibilities?
  sometimes [  ]     usually  [  ]    always [  ]     never [  ]  

14) Does computing relieve your tension?
                                                                                yes [  ]       no [  ]          

15) Does computing increase your tension? 
                                                                                yes [  ]      no [  ]

16) Does your spouse  or partnerget upset with you about the time you spend 
 sometimes  [  ]  usually [  ]    always [  ]   never [  ]

17) Do you play computer games?
 sometimes [  ] usually [  ] always [  ] never [  ]

18) Do you have a hard time talking to people?
 sometimes [  ]    usually [  ]  always [  ]  never [  ]

19) Do you feel comfortable in groups?
  sometimes [  ]  usually [  ] always [  ]     never [  ]

20) Would you consider yourself someone who needs to be in control?
 					yes [   ]       no [  ]

21) Do you have an active social life?
				                 yes [  ]        no [  ]

22) How many close personal friends do you have?

none [  ]     1-2 [  ]   3-5 [  ]   6-10 [  ]   over 10 [  ]

23) Are other members of your family active computer users?
    yes [ ]   no[  ]

                             Informed Consent

I understand that I am voluntarily participating in a scientific 
research project that is intended to investigate the issue of computer
addiction. I am in no way going to be penalized for withdrawal from this
study, which am free to do at any time. I understand that my privacy
will be guaranteed by the experimenter. If I find that answering any
part of this survey is disturbing to me, I am free to skip over it.
I understand that no personal results will be granted participants,
as all responses will be mailed anonymously. If I have any questions at any
time during this study, I may contact the experimenter before proceeding

Primary researcher:         Advisor:
Darren Littlejohn           Dr. John Jung   
2142 San Anseline           Psychology Dept.
Long Beach, Ca.             California State University Long Beach
90815                       1250 Bellflower Blvd. 
                            Long Beach, Ca.

Office of Univesity Research
For information regarding rights as subjects.



                           Letter of solicitaion