[comp.os.msdos.misc] undeletable file ---SUMMARY

csw76@seq1.keele.ac.uk (J.C. Kohler) (03/07/91)

Thank you for all your replies to my question about my undeletable file. I've finally got rid of it. A lot of people suggested : del *.mac or somethink like that, I should have mentioned in my request that I've tried all these things already, even up to del *.*, which should be very effective.

A few suggestions which didn't work:
-del *.mac
-use norton commander
-use basic

The file was also not write-protected as some people suggested, again I should have told this in my request.

I've finally deleted it by using DISKEDIT of Norton Utilities 5.0. I editted the directory and changed the filename into a normal one, now it is gone.

There were also quite a few people who suggested that wp itself might be able to delete it. I strongly believe this is true, but I don't have acces to wp 4.2 anymore.

Thanks again for your help, its gone now.


University of Keele, United Kingdom
