[comp.os.msdos.misc] EXE2BIN in PCDOS 4.0

teplovs@zoo.toronto.edu (Chris Teplovs) (03/15/91)

I recently created an EXE file on a system running MSDOS 4.01, and had
no trouble converting it to a .COM file using EXE2BIN.
When I recompiled the source code to an .EXE file on a system running
PCDOS 4.0, I couldn't find EXE2BIN (it doesn't seem to exist on the
original floppies!).  Anyone know if this is an isolated incident,
or is this a problem with PCDOS 4.0?

Chris Teplovs                    |       teplovs@zoo.toronto.edu
Dept. of Zoology                 |       teplovs@zoo.utoronto.ca
University of Toronto            |

valley@uchicago (Doug Dougherty) (03/16/91)

teplovs@zoo.toronto.edu (Chris Teplovs) writes:

>I recently created an EXE file on a system running MSDOS 4.01, and had
>no trouble converting it to a .COM file using EXE2BIN.
>When I recompiled the source code to an .EXE file on a system running
>PCDOS 4.0, I couldn't find EXE2BIN (it doesn't seem to exist on the
>original floppies!).  Anyone know if this is an isolated incident,
>or is this a problem with PCDOS 4.0?

IBM decided a long time ago that ordinary users didn't need EXE2BIN and
hence that they could afford to charge extra for it.

Get EXE2COM by CJ Dunford, available on most boards and FTP sites.

rschmidt@copper.ucs.indiana.edu (roy schmidt) (03/21/91)

valley@uchicago (Doug Dougherty) writes:
   >teplovs@zoo.toronto.edu (Chris Teplovs) writes:
   >>PCDOS 4.0, I couldn't find EXE2BIN (it doesn't seem to exist on the
   >>original floppies!).  Anyone know if this is an isolated incident,
   >>or is this a problem with PCDOS 4.0?
   >IBM decided a long time ago that ordinary users didn't need EXE2BIN and
   >hence that they could afford to charge extra for it.
Actually, what you are seeing is the official Microsoft line.  Microsoft
has decided that we should not write .COM programs anymore, and
therefore don't support/condone them.  A sure way to decrease the number
of .COM files is by not giving you the utility to manufacture them.

My question is, why would you want to convert a perfectly good .EXE file
to a .COM file?  An .EXE file requires far less RAM to run (.COM needs
64K regardless of object code size) so making a small .COM file does not
really make sense anyway.

Of course, MS is always immune from their own official line :-).  They
still churn out .COM files in their own packages, just like they still
use FCBs for internal DOS commands.  Sigh.

Roy Schmidt                 |  #include <disclaimer.h>     
Indiana University          |  /* They are _my_ thoughts, and you can't
Graduate School of Business |     have them, so there!  */

w8sdz@rigel.acs.oakland.edu (Keith Petersen) (03/21/91)

rschmidt@copper.ucs.indiana.edu (roy schmidt) writes:
>Actually, what you are seeing is the official Microsoft line.  Microsoft
>has decided that we should not write .COM programs anymore, and
>therefore don't support/condone them.  A sure way to decrease the number
>of .COM files is by not giving you the utility to manufacture them.

How do you explain the fact that EXE2BIN comes with MASM, then?

I think the reason it's no longer shipped with MS-DOS is because there
are no programs supplied which create EXE files which need to be converted
to COM files.

Keith Petersen
Co-SysOp, Detroit Download Central 313-885-3956 (212/V22bis/HST/V32/V42bis)
Internet: w8sdz@vela.acs.oakland.edu,  w8sdz@eddie.mit.edu,  w8sdz@brl.mil
Uucp: uunet!umich!vela!w8sdz                         BITNET: w8sdz@OAKLAND

gerardis@cs.mcgill.ca (Tony GERARDIS) (03/21/91)

In article <5479@vela.acs.oakland.edu> w8sdz@rigel.acs.oakland.edu (Keith Petersen) writes:
>rschmidt@copper.ucs.indiana.edu (roy schmidt) writes:
>>Actually, what you are seeing is the official Microsoft line.  Microsoft
>>has decided that we should not write .COM programs anymore, and
>>therefore don't support/condone them.  A sure way to decrease the number
>>of .COM files is by not giving you the utility to manufacture them.
>How do you explain the fact that EXE2BIN comes with MASM, then?
>I think the reason it's no longer shipped with MS-DOS is because there
>are no programs supplied which create EXE files which need to be converted
>to COM files.
>Keith Petersen

Ya and how would you explain the fact that EXE2BIN comes on Disk 3 of
MSDOS 5.0. (Yes I already have a copy of the RELEASE CANDIDATE #3)
Works like a charm and EXE2BIN is also supplied.


 gerardis@quiche.cs.mcgill.ca  | The sun is the same in a relative way,
			       | but you're older
			       | And shorter of breath and one day 
			       | closer to DEATH.       -Floyd

toma@sail.LABS.TEK.COM (Tom Almy) (03/21/91)

In article <1991Mar20.230005.28573@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu> rschmidt@copper.ucs.indiana.edu (roy schmidt) writes:
>valley@uchicago (Doug Dougherty) writes:
>   >>PCDOS 4.0, I couldn't find EXE2BIN (it doesn't seem to exist on the
>   >>original floppies!).

>Actually, what you are seeing is the official Microsoft line.  Microsoft
>has decided that we should not write .COM programs anymore, and
>therefore don't support/condone them.  A sure way to decrease the number
>of .COM files is by not giving you the utility to manufacture them.

Of course, If you buy the right compilers (Borland, Zortech) you can make
.COM programs without using Microsoft's EXE2BIN. Borland's linker will
generate .COM files directly, and Zortech provides their own EXE2BIN.
You still need EXE2BIN to generate device drivers (for most versions of DOS)
or binary files for ROMs. In fact at least one example program in the
Microsoft Windows SDK needs EXE2BIN to generate a binary file!

>My question is, why would you want to convert a perfectly good .EXE file
>to a .COM file?  An .EXE file requires far less RAM to run (.COM needs
>64K regardless of object code size) so making a small .COM file does not
>really make sense anyway.

This is not true. I wrote a Forth compiler years ago that generated COM files
by default but would also generate EXE files. The EXE option was never smaller
either in file size or during execution. At run time a COM file can be any
size you want. MS-DOS gives all the available memory to a COM program, but
the program can release any memory it does not need. Any COM program that
uses exactly 64k is somehow being constrained by the compiler. For instance
it is certainly possible for a COM program to have separate segments, and
to actually take more than 64k to run (although DOS won't load COM files
greater than 64k, limiting code+initialized data to 64k). I have yet to see
a compiler, other than mine, that could take advantage of this other than
by explicit casting to "far".

Tom Almy
Standard Disclaimers Apply

edso@arnor.UUCP (Edward C. So) (03/22/91)

> valley@uchicago (Doug Dougherty) writes:
>    >teplovs@zoo.toronto.edu (Chris Teplovs) writes:
>    >
>    >>PCDOS 4.0, I couldn't find EXE2BIN (it doesn't seem to exist on the
>    >>original floppies!).  Anyone know if this is an isolated incident,
>    >>or is this a problem with PCDOS 4.0?
>    >
>    >IBM decided a long time ago that ordinary users didn't need EXE2BIN and
>    >hence that they could afford to charge extra for it.
>    >
> Actually, what you are seeing is the official Microsoft line.  Microsoft
> has decided that we should not write .COM programs anymore, and
> therefore don't support/condone them.  A sure way to decrease the number
> of .COM files is by not giving you the utility to manufacture them.

EXE2BIN is on the Utilities diskette that comes with DOS Technical Reference
manual.  The same diskette also contains LINK, DEBUG, and the assembler source
Edward C. So               edso@ibm.com (Internet)
Computing Systems, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

lair@ellis.uchicago.edu (Scott A. Laird) (03/22/91)

In article <1991Mar21.055841.10037@cs.mcgill.ca> gerardis@cs.mcgill.ca (Tony GERARDIS) writes:
>In article <5479@vela.acs.oakland.edu> w8sdz@rigel.acs.oakland.edu (Keith Petersen) writes:
>>How do you explain the fact that EXE2BIN comes with MASM, then?
>>I think the reason it's no longer shipped with MS-DOS is because there
>>are no programs supplied which create EXE files which need to be converted
>>to COM files.
>>Keith Petersen
>Ya and how would you explain the fact that EXE2BIN comes on Disk 3 of
>MSDOS 5.0. (Yes I already have a copy of the RELEASE CANDIDATE #3)
>Works like a charm and EXE2BIN is also supplied.
> gerardis@quiche.cs.mcgill.ca  | The sun is the same in a relative way,
>			       | but you're older
>			       | And shorter of breath and one day 
>			       | closer to DEATH.       -Floyd

Actually, EXE2BIN.EXE is included on my MS-DOS 4.01 distribution disks.  I know
that _IBM_ stopped shipping EXE2BIN, but if Microsoft did, it was only for a
limited time.  I had thought that they had stopped, too, but when I looked
several months ago, it was there.  I also checked on some PC-DOS 4.0 floppies,
and sure enough, no EXE2BIN.

So Microsoft will still let us convert .EXE's to .COM's in DOS 4.  Now if they
would have just given us the memory to do anything else...  I really hate
having to use drive J:, thought, so 3.3 isn't perfect, either.  When's my
copy of DOS 5.0 going to start shipping?

Scott A. Laird            |  Any semblance of the above to anything is purely
lair@midway.uchicago.edu  |  coincidental, as it was the result of an infinite
The University of Chicago |  number of monkeys sneaking in to use my computer 
                          |  for the afternoon. 

dahlstr@hus.chalmers.se (Gunnar Dahlstrom) (03/22/91)

In article <1991Mar20.230005.28573@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu> rschmidt@copper.ucs.indiana.edu (roy schmidt) writes:
>valley@uchicago (Doug Dougherty) writes:
>   >teplovs@zoo.toronto.edu (Chris Teplovs) writes:
>   >
>   >>PCDOS 4.0, I couldn't find EXE2BIN (it doesn't seem to exist on the
>   >>original floppies!).  Anyone know if this is an isolated incident,
>   >>or is this a problem with PCDOS 4.0?
>   >
>   >IBM decided a long time ago that ordinary users didn't need EXE2BIN and
>   >hence that they could afford to charge extra for it.
>   >
>Actually, what you are seeing is the official Microsoft line.  Microsoft
>has decided that we should not write .COM programs anymore, and
>therefore don't support/condone them.  A sure way to decrease the number
>of .COM files is by not giving you the utility to manufacture them.

Why have Microsoft start supporting TINY model (to create .COM program) in
C 6.0 if they have a line where they will not support this model??

>My question is, why would you want to convert a perfectly good .EXE file
>to a .COM file?  An .EXE file requires far less RAM to run (.COM needs
>64K regardless of object code size) so making a small .COM file does not
>really make sense anyway.

It is verey simpel to write .COM program, you don't have to worry about
to use different segments!

>Of course, MS is always immune from their own official line :-).  They
>still churn out .COM files in their own packages, just like they still
>use FCBs for internal DOS commands.  Sigh.

// Gunnar

				Gunnar Dahlstrom
			Chalmers University of Technology
			    Div. Building Technology
			   412 96 Gothenburg,  Sweden
			E-Mail:  dahlstr@hus.chalmers.se

gerardis@cs.mcgill.ca (Tony GERARDIS) (03/23/91)

In article <1991Mar22.000601.5114@midway.uchicago.edu> lair@ellis.uchicago.edu (Scott A. Laird) writes:
>>Ya and how would you explain the fact that EXE2BIN comes on Disk 3 of
>>MSDOS 5.0. (Yes I already have a copy of the RELEASE CANDIDATE #3)
>>Works like a charm and EXE2BIN is also supplied.
>Actually, EXE2BIN.EXE is included on my MS-DOS 4.01 distribution disks.  I know
>that _IBM_ stopped shipping EXE2BIN, but if Microsoft did, it was only for a
>limited time.  I had thought that they had stopped, too, but when I looked
>several months ago, it was there.  I also checked on some PC-DOS 4.0 floppies,
>and sure enough, no EXE2BIN.
>So Microsoft will still let us convert .EXE's to .COM's in DOS 4.  Now if they
>would have just given us the memory to do anything else...  I really hate
>having to use drive J:, thought, so 3.3 isn't perfect, either.  When's my
>copy of DOS 5.0 going to start shipping?
Well It was scheduled for this or next month but hey this is Microsoft
we are talking about.  Windows 3.0 was released about a year after
schedule and 3.1 was also scheduled for next month (ya right!).
Well All I can tell you is that hopefully it'll be released by the
summer! Trust Me it will be worth every penny Microsoft asks for it!
I'm using the 'MSDOS 5.00 RELEASE CANDIDATE #3' and it works
beautifully. It is quite stable, and after all my device drivers are
loaded( ie. smartdrive, ramdrive, mouse driver, himem.sys, etc) I still
have 595k free! Now who needs QEMM with results like that from DOS!
It's about time!


 gerardis@quiche.cs.mcgill.ca  | The sun is the same in a relative way,
			       | but you're older
			       | And shorter of breath and one day 
			       | closer to DEATH.       -Floyd

bytehead@bluemoon.uucp (Bryan Price) (03/24/91)

rschmidt@copper.ucs.indiana.edu (roy schmidt) writes:

> valley@uchicago (Doug Dougherty) writes:
>    >teplovs@zoo.toronto.edu (Chris Teplovs) writes:
>    >
>    >>PCDOS 4.0, I couldn't find EXE2BIN (it doesn't seem to exist on the
>    >>original floppies!).  Anyone know if this is an isolated incident,
>    >>or is this a problem with PCDOS 4.0?
>    >
>    >
> Actually, what you are seeing is the official Microsoft line.  Microsoft
> has decided that we should not write .COM programs anymore, and
> therefore don't support/condone them.  A sure way to decrease the number
> of .COM files is by not giving you the utility to manufacture them.

Microsoft has been having second thoughts on this.  EXE2BIN exists at 
least on the DOS 5.0 betas, and I would assume would be on the actual 
release.  Plus, I beleive the update to C 6.0 now allows .COM file 
creation.  I haven't updated mine yet to find out.  I need to clear out 
some more room on the HD!

> My question is, why would you want to convert a perfectly good .EXE file
> to a .COM file?  An .EXE file requires far less RAM to run (.COM needs
> 64K regardless of object code size) so making a small .COM file does not
> really make sense anyway.

Well, .COM files load faster, will use the same amount of memory (all DOS 
programs get all available memory allocated to them at run-time!), and can 
be easier to disassemble! :-)

> Of course, MS is always immune from their own official line :-).  They
> still churn out .COM files in their own packages, just like they still
> use FCBs for internal DOS commands.  Sigh.

There are still some areas in DOS that make since in using FCBs.  Deleting 
files with FCBs is actually much faster, primarily because when deleting 
you can specify wildcards in FCBs, and in the Unix style calls, you can 
only pass one name.  I didn't believe this until I timed it myself.  I've 
seen speed increases of 3000 percent (yes three thousand!).  2 seconds to 
delete 600 files using one (1) FCB, while it took over two minutes to 
delete using the Unix style command.  And yes, the Unix style was 
optimized (I got all the names in a list first, which took under .25 
seconds to do)

> --
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Roy Schmidt                 |  #include <disclaimer.h>     
> Indiana University          |  /* They are _my_ thoughts, and you can't
> Graduate School of Business |     have them, so there!  */

Ralf.Brown@B.GP.CS.CMU.EDU (03/25/91)

In article <uuPaZ3w163w@bluemoon.uucp>, bytehead@bluemoon.uucp (Bryan Price) wrote:
}There are still some areas in DOS that make since in using FCBs.  Deleting 
}files with FCBs is actually much faster, primarily because when deleting 
}you can specify wildcards in FCBs, and in the Unix style calls, you can 
}only pass one name.  I didn't believe this until I timed it myself.  I've 

Note that there is an undocumented indirect DOS call; if you make the
Unix-style delete call via that indirect entry, wildcards are enabled, and
the Unix-style delete will be just as fast as the FCB delete.
{backbone}!cs.cmu.edu!ralf  ARPA: RALF@CS.CMU.EDU   FIDO: Ralf Brown 1:129/3.1
BITnet: RALF%CS.CMU.EDU@CMUCCVMA   AT&Tnet: (412)268-3053 (school)   FAX: ask
DISCLAIMER?  Did  | It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's
I claim something?| what we know that ain't so.  --Will Rogers