(Lambourne Brendan) (05/27/91)
I own an Amstrad PC 1640 with a 30 meg hard drive. Currently I am running MS-DOS 3.2. I wish to make at least one logical drive on my 30 meg hard drive but have come up against several stumbling blocks. I have tried fdisk/m for multiple drives but this hasn't worked. I also tried using MS-DOS ver 4.01 which has logical drive functions built in but when I try to reboot my machine I get the error message "Bad Part. table" and my dos 4.01 manual says that this message has something to do with the fo rmat command. But after formating my hard disk again I still get the message. If any one can help this would be much appreciated. Just mail me. Thanks in advance. Brendan Lambourne
G22QC@CUNYVM.BITNET (05/27/91)
I am not sure if you did the following: You wanted to create a logical drive. So you used FDisk in Ms-Dos 3.20. Did you destroy your primary drive and format your hard disk before you ran FDisk? If not, there was a problem. You can use Disk Manager to create logical drives. Eddie Wu