[comp.os.msdos.misc] DOS5 slow down the system...

cng@ics.uci.edu (Connie NG) (06/29/91)

    Hi Netters!

I just installed DOS-5 and shift drivers and TSR's to the Upper Memory
Area. They seem to work fine, with the exception of filecga (a file
name completion TSR). However three points bother me:

    1. Norton Utilities' SI shows that the system's performance got a
serious kick. When I was running DOS 4.01, SI gave me the following:
Computing Index  :  41.1
Disk Index       :  27.7
Performance Index:  35.2

After DOS-5 installed and use of the Upper Memory Area, SI shows:
Computing Index  :  39.0
Disk Index       :  16.6
Performance Index:  31.5

I know that Norton Utilties's SI is not all that accurate but these
figures do show a drastic change. Could someone explain me what

    2. The switch to DOS-5 also slowed down the process of opening
application and windows under Windows 3.0. It took a great deal of
time to redraw the windows. What could have affected this?

    3. DOS window under Windows 3.0 does not show anything in Upper
Memory Area, using mem /c. TSR's shifted in the UMA do not work

My system configuration is as follows:
    486-25  ,   4 Meg RAM   ,   210 Meg IDE 15ms
    Orchid ProDesigner 1 Meg

Here are my config.sys and autoexec.bat:

device=c:\dos5\emm386.exe noems
devicehigh c:\dos5\smartdrv.sys 2048 512
devicehigh c:\windows\mouse.sys /Y
devicehigh c:\dos5\ansi.sys
devicehigh c:\dos5\setver.exe
shell=c:\dos5\command.com c:\dos5\ /e:800 /p

verify on
path ...blahblahblah...
set temp=c:\windows\temp
loadhigh c:\util\bin\stack.com
loadhigh c:\dos5\fastopen.exe c:=200

Could someone help me in determining the cause of the problems? Am I
doing anything wrong? Please post on the boards (no e-mail please). I
will summarize responses. Thank you in advance for your help....

mdcg7180@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (Michael David Carr) (06/29/91)

cng@ics.uci.edu (Connie NG) writes:

>    1. Norton Utilities' SI shows that the system's performance got a
>serious kick. When I was running DOS 4.01, SI gave me the following:
>Computing Index  :  41.1
>Disk Index       :  27.7
>Performance Index:  35.2

>After DOS-5 installed and use of the Upper Memory Area, SI shows:
>Computing Index  :  39.0
>Disk Index       :  16.6
>Performance Index:  31.5

>I know that Norton Utilties's SI is not all that accurate but these
>figures do show a drastic change. Could someone explain me what

>    2. The switch to DOS-5 also slowed down the process of opening
>application and windows under Windows 3.0. It took a great deal of
>time to redraw the windows. What could have affected this?

>    3. DOS window under Windows 3.0 does not show anything in Upper
>Memory Area, using mem /c. TSR's shifted in the UMA do not work

RTFM:  Ch.12, pg. 321 for answer to (3).

As for (1) and (2), I've installed DOS 5.0 on several machines, loading DOS=HIGH
on all, and TSR's and stuff into HMA on some, and conventional on others.
I've seen NO difference in speed (using Norton SI ver. 4.5 and Landmark
ver. 3.33).  As a guess, try loading all of your TSR's and .SYS's into
