[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] IEEE-488 Programming advice needed

mark@vehka.uta.fi (Marko Jauhiainen) (06/28/90)

	I am currently working on a project where I have to write software
for IEEE-488 interface card, also known as GPIB or HPIB. I am using PC<==>488
interface board (NEC 7210 controller) and I have Turbo-Pascal 5.5. Now, the
problem is that the examples are mostly in BASIC and none are written in
TP 5.5 (some 3.0 examples and 4.0 support which makes it possible to use 5.5).
I get it work but I have difficulties in reading the internal registers of
the interface chip. If I understand the manual correctly, there is a bit that
tells whether or not a data byte has been received. I then try to read the
data byte but there is nothing to read. So how do I check if there is something
to be read and how do I make sure nothing gets lost ?

	Another problem I have is HP ColorPro (or HP 7550A) plotter which I
am trying to use via GPIB. I have been able to make it plot ok, I just have
problems in reading its responses. The plotter should be able to tell me that
something is wrong and even what is wrong (too many parameters, for example).
I just don't know what registers I should be reading or what functions I should
use to get the bytes it sends.

	Any advice, experience or even programming examples concerning 
	TP 5.5 and GPIB, HPGL/HP Plotters or NEC 7210 controller is
	and will be greatly appreciated. So if you know something about
	these things please respond by email. My address is


	Thanks in advance !!

 Marko Jauhiainen, Dept. of Computer Science |   Don't talk unless you can
 University of Tampere, Finland              |     improve the silence.