[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] Kermit and a 132x43 line mode

zielke@romeo.cs.duke.edu (David Zielke c/o hsg) (07/18/90)

I am using version 3.01 of kermit (note, previous versions cause the same
problem) and have the following problem.  When running in 132x43 or 132x25
line mode on my Paradise EGA-Mono card (it does shades of ega on a mono
monitor) It works like a charm except for not clearing the rest of the
garbage off of the line before writting to it.  Thus when using an editor
like emacs I get lots of garbage around on the screen including the file
I am editing.

Any suggestions?

David Zielke
|  Name:		David M. Zielke					|
|  Internet:		zielke@physics.phy.duke.edu			|
|			zielke@cs.duke.edu				|