[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] PCjr question

bush@uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Anthony Bush) (08/01/90)

Aloha Networld.
 I have a question about the IBM PCjr. I was wondering if it would be
possible to add a modem to it? Do I need a memory expansion? I have
128K now. is that enough memory to run Kermit?
 Another question. Is it possible to connect two PCjrs to a 386 as terminals
and perhaps use the 386 for a file server. 
						thank you.




Robert.Berry@samba.acs.unc.edu (BBS Account) (08/02/90)

I don't know the details because I don't have a jr, but I can say that
it's *possible* to do just about anything you want with a PCjr.  You
need to find an IBM employee who's got one.  Years ago when IBM quit
making the jr they sold gobs of them to employees dirt cheap, and those
employees have spent years figuring out ways to make the jr do things
it wasn't designed to do.

Robert Berry / rrberry@unc.bitnet