[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] NEC ProSpeed 286 question

futoshi@sra.co.jp (Futoshi Miyamori) (08/05/90)

I got a NEC ProSpeed 286 from my friend. MSDOS(3.21) is installed on
it's 40MB HDD. I have no reference disks or manuals.

I want to setup serial port to use modems, but I cannot setup serial port.
What should I do? If you know, Please E-Mail to futoshi@sra.co.jp.

And ProSpeed286 has Memory Switch(I have setsw.com). I don't know its meaning.
Is anyone know that ?

Thanks in advance.
Futoshi Miyamori (SRA Inc.,Japan/voice:+81 3 942 4450/fax:+81 3 942 4416)
E-Mail:  JUNET: futoshi@sra.co.jp
       AMPRNet: futoshi@jh1afn.ampr.jp (434.00MHz, 1293.96MHz)