[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] Number of files allowed in the root

andreap@ms.uky.edu (Andrea Peach) (08/21/90)

I have lost the earlier posting on this subject.  Could someone please
repost or mail me a copy of the list showing the maximum number of files
allowed in the root of a diskette for the various sizes and densities?


Internet address for direct responses:  hpeach@keats.ca.uky.edu
Harold Peach, Ag Data Center, Univ. of Kentucky, Lexington, KY  40546
(606) 257-3335

pete@bally.Bally.COM (Pete Gregory ) (08/22/90)

In article <andreap.651182028@s.ms.uky.edu> andreap@ms.uky.edu (Andrea Peach) writes:
>I have lost the earlier posting on this subject.  Could someone please
>repost or mail me a copy of the list showing the maximum number of files
>allowed in the root of a diskette for the various sizes and densities?

From my PC-DOS 3.30 manual (page 5-5):

	"...the root directory of a single-sided 160/180KB diskette
	can hold 64 entries, while the root directory of a double-
	sided 320/360KB and 720KB diskette can hold 112 entries.  The
	root directory of a double-sided 1.44MB diskette can hold
	224 entires.  The root directory of a high-capacity 1.2MB
	diskette can hold 224 entires.  There can be 512 entries in
	the root directory of a fixed disk.

	Unlike the root directory, subdirectories can contain any
	number of entries, limited only by the amount of available
	space on the disk."

Pete Gregory           : uucp:   uunet!bally!pete              |
Bally Systems          : domain: pete@bally.bally.com       ---|---
5270 Neil Rd, Suite 301: phone:  702-689-2485                  |
Reno, NV 89502         : FAX:    702-689-2417                  |

"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those
who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose."  Romans 8:28