[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] PC-controlled freezer alarm systems

djo7613@hardy.u.washington.edu (Dick O'Connor) (08/24/90)

Our genetics lab has seven freezers generally full of various bits of
salmon flesh awaiting electrophoresis, and its imperative that someone
is warned when a freezer goes down for some reason.  Currently, they
are contracting with a home security firm who installed alarms that
call the security folks when a compressor dies.  These folks are then
supposed to contact one of the lab supervisors, but they don't seem to
follow through, and the Lab Chief is ready to cancel the contract.

They do have a few XT-type machines that see little use, and asked me if
I could find out a way to set up an XT to monitor the freezers and dial
one of several home phone numbers in case a problem arose.  I suppose
they'd like to hear "Good morning, Doctor, sorry to rouse you at 3 AM,
but there's been a slight malfunction in freezer 6!", but any sort of
reliable notification would do the trick.

I'd be interested in hearing from anyone who has interfaced a PC with
the type of sensing/alarm equipment that could do this for us.  There
must be other folks out there monitoring freezers and the like, right?  :)

"Moby" Dick O'Connor                         djo7613@u.washington.edu 
Washington Department of Fisheries           *I brake for salmonids* 
"Moby" Dick O'Connor                         djo7613@u.washington.edu 
Washington Department of Fisheries           *I brake for salmonids*