[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] Apology

v127p9xg@ubvmsa.cc.buffalo.edu (Robert J Miskines) (09/12/90)

as i am new to Vnews, errs may be expected occasionally. 

Part of my previous message, perhaps the most important part, was chopped. 
SO, i will repeat it...

I have an IBM PC/AT clone, and have recently acquired an IBM 5224-2 printer. 
Obviously, i would like to interface the two. However, this is easier
said than done (with the hardware i now have). The printer uses a 'Twinax'
interface, which IBM uses on its System 3x series. I have located such a
PC-> twinax interface, however, the one company that i have found that makes 
this interface asks $1400 for it. This is, of course, unacceptable. 

On to my request. I would like information on where i could (preferably) obtain
such a device, as long as it is substantially cheaper. If this cannot be done, 
i would appreciate a schematic for such a device, or at the minimum, 
information on the 'Twinax' protocol/interface. 

Thank you
Robert J Miskines