JEFHC@CUNYVM (09/08/90)
I need to buy a serial card for an AT and I saw one advertised in BYTE magazine with 2 ports for $21. This seems very low to me. Is this what they usually run. The name of the company is GEMS computers, inc. in San Jose, CA. Has anyone ever done business with them? Are their products reliable? Please reply directly to me and I will summarize for the net. Thanks ... Julie
pnl@hpfinote.HP.COM (Peter Lim) (09/11/90)
Sounds about right. Altex Electronics is advertising an AT serial, parallel and game board for $24. Regards, ## Life is fast enough as it is ........ Peter Lim. ## .... DON'T PUSH IT !! >>>-------, ########################################### : E-mail: plim@hpsgwg.HP.COM Snail-mail: Hewlett Packard Singapore, : Tel: (065)-279-2289 (ICDS, ICS) | Telnet: 520-2289 1150 Depot Road, __\@/__ ... also at: pnl@hpfipnl.HP.COM Singapore 0410. SPLAT ! #include <standard_disclaimer.hpp>
ce1zzes@prism.gatech.EDU (Eric Sheppard) (09/16/90)
In article <36690015@hpfinote.HP.COM>, pnl@hpfinote.HP.COM (Peter Lim) writes: > Sounds about right. Altex Electronics is advertising an AT serial, > parallel and game board for $24. > From the Computer Shopper: Syntax sells that AT I/O card for $15. Look for the rather lame Alan Alda lookalike. Sheesh! Reaches new heights of weirdness, but the prices are interesting. EGA card for $61, 1.44 meg floppy for $59. 80286-12 motherboard for $120. Computrend sells the motherboard for $95, but you've gotta buy 10 boards to get that lower price. What type motherboards should one purchase? Are they all basically the same from manufacturer to manufacturer now? I want to ask this company more about the $120 motherboard, but I don't know what to ask. Eric -- Eric Sheppard Georgia Tech | "Of course the US Constitution isn't Atlanta, GA | perfect; but it's a lot better than what ARPA: | we have now." -Unknown uucp: ...!{allegra,amd,hplabs,seismo,ut-ngp}!gatech!prism!ce1zzes