kls@osupyr.mps.ohio-state.edu (Kenneth L. Shellberg) (09/28/90)
Has anyone heard anything, or better yet, had any experience with 486 motherboards from SVT 3375 Scott Boulevard, Suite 310 Santa Clara, CA 95054 Voice: 408-982-0130 / FAX: 408-982-0133 They have what seem to me to be very reasonably priced motherboards: motherboard with 128K cache $750 Intel 80486 CPU (ver. B6) $1,200 8 MB of RAM @ $50/MB $400 Total $2,350 Thanks in advance for any information you may have. Ken Shellberg The Ohio State University 614-292-2721 kls@ohstpy.mps.ohio-state.edu (don't know whether the reply-to address in the header works....)