[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] Mouse and Hand Scanner Suggestions???

srm@dimacs.rutgers.edu (Scott R. Myers) (10/07/90)

I have a need for a good BUS mouse and a good hand scanner.  My
requirements are to scan in color and b/w images with reasonably clear
on screen b/w resolution.  I also need to import line art items.  I
would also appreciate any comments on these image enhancement packages
that turn scanner dithering into true grayscale and the ones that take
two scans and piece them together to form the whole picture.  Also
I've noticed that a lot of these scanners are bundled with software
like (Dr Halo, PC Paint, Etc.)  what are your comments on these
packages.  Any help is appreciated...  Thanx...


				Scott R. Myers

Snail:	26 Stiles Street			Phone:(201)352-4162
        Apartment 18
	Elizabeth, NJ 07201

Arpa:	srm@dimacs.rutgers.edu			Uucp: ..!dimacs!srm

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