[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] WD1006 SVR 2 Help needed

cznot@nixdorf.de (Cznottka) (10/17/90)

Hi out there!

I have a 386 slot CPU board 16 MHz with Phoenix Bios and an WD 1006 SVR 2 RLL 
Controller.  I can't setup my drive (Fujitsu 2243: 754 tracks 11 heads) within
the normal CMOS setup because I have no user defined drive entry.
So I tried to use the Conroller BIOS. This BIOS allows an user defined drive 
table entry. I defined my drive and the BIOS changed the CMOS setup drive to 
type 1.
Then the menu told me to reboot the system. After that I called the BIOS again 
via debug. There it showed me that the drive is type 1 but has not the
parameters I defined.
As I understand it the Controller BIOS should overlay the PC BIOS but it doesn't
So I patched my PC BIOS to match the parameters of my drive.

- Is this the only way to do this thing ?

- Has a normal Phoenix BIOS got a user defined entry in the drive table?

- Do I need the Controller BIOS for something else than formatting the drive
  (i.e. for caching)?

I've heard that one can get a transfer rate of 790 KB/s with this Controller
(core test). I get only 650 KB/s with core test. 

Could I get 790 KB/s if I can use the Controller BIOS?

Please Help.

Heinfried Cznottka, c/o Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG, STO SI 413
			Pontanusstrasse 55, D-4790 Paderborn 
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