[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] Profit Systems gone under?

marshall@wind55.seri.gov (Marshall L. Buhl) (10/30/90)

We bought an Elite 16 board with 4 MB of RAM plus serial and parallel
ports from Profit Systems a couple of years ago.  It came with a five
year warranty.

Last Spring it died.  The software drivers simply said the board was
missing.  I sent it back for repair and it came back about a month
later.  It didn't work then either.  I sent it back again.  

After waiting for months, I decided to give them a call.  I got one of
those recordings saying that the number, (313)647-5010, was no longer in
service.  I called directory assistance for Birmingham, MI and was told
there was no listing for Profit Systems.

I guess their name wasn't a very realistic one.  I have no idea what
happened to my board.  I imagine they had a lot of problems with that
model and it took them under.

Experiences like this make me think twice about buying from small
companies.  This bothers me.  If everyone has my attitude, then it will
be next to impossible for new companies to get started.  The IBMs and
Compaqs of the world will rule and competition will suffer.  I don't
know what is right.  I hate to waste the people's money.  Still, I feel
it's the government's responsibility to take risks and give small
companies a chance.

What to do...  What to do...
Marshall L. Buhl, Jr.                EMAIL: marshall@seri.gov
Senior Computer Missionary           VOICE: (303)231-1014
Wind Research Branch                 1617 Cole Blvd., Golden, CO  80401-3393
Solar Energy Research Institute      Solar - safe energy for a healthy future