[net.travel] Looking for Cheap Airfares

p500vax:yip (01/28/83)

A couple of my relatives are planning to come to San 
Francisco from London for about a month (3/26-4/19).

We are looking for some cheap roundtrip airfares (it 
does not matter whether it is a direct flight or via 
New York but preferably with at most one stop).

The cheapest one that I have found so far is PAN AM
$632 (plus $20 if travel on Fri, Sat, or Sun).   
World Airways is $730, believe it or not!

I am wondering if there are even cheaper fares.

Please reply by mail.


Mike Yip  
Megatest Corporation,
Sunnyvale, CA.

yip (01/28/83)

A couple of my relatives are coming to San Francisco
from London in March for about a month (3/26-4/19).
We are looking for some cheap roundtrip airfares.
It does not have to be direct flight but would prefer
flight with at most one stop.

The lowest fare that I have found so far is Pan Am-$625
(plus $20 if travel on Fri, Sat, or Sun).  Believe it 
or not, World Airways is $730.

I am wondering if there are even cheaper airfares
than what Pan Am is offering. Thank you.

Please reply by mail.


Mike Yip.
Megatest Corporation,
Sunnyvale, CA.