[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] Attempting to connect Hitachi 19" RGB monitor to PC

Steven.Ayscue@samba.acs.unc.edu (Steven Ayscue) (11/10/90)

marks@pwa-b.uucp writes:
>I am attempting to attach a 19 inch Hitachi RGB Monitor with 4
>BNC connectors (R,G,B,Sync) to my VGA card and have had no success.

You need to check the scan rate on the monitor to be sure it handles
the 31.5 khz (I think that's VGA scan rate). It may be that it's only
a 15.75khz or such like a BARC monitor I have on an Amiga. If it is
in fact a 31.5khz monitor and it is not working, try buffering the
sync line. The sync is probably a composite sync so just bring BOTH
the Horizontal and Verticle sync lines from the VGA to the monitor.

If you need the specs on a buffer chip, I can find them. It uses
5 volts to drive which probably can be pulled from the VGA card.
I have done this using voltage from a monitor pinout itself (Mit-
subishi Diamondscan) when I needed to buffer the sync.

A well known cablemaker is Redmond Cable, in Redmond, CA I believe.
If you need the address/phone I can look it up.
