[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] Adding 3 1/2 Floppy to CompuAdd XT

polo@hagar.Solbourne.COM (Dave Polakowski) (11/14/90)

Does anyone know if Award BIOS Version 3.0, dated 10/21/87, will
support a 1.44M floppy drive?  My wife has inherited a CompuAdd
Turbo XT at work, and would like to add such a drive if possible.
I think it will, but I'd like to know for sure.  Thanks for your 

             _-^-_               | Dave Polakowski (303)678-4700 
            / O O \              | Solbourne Computer, Inc. 
 ---((((---'---U---`---))))---   | Longmont, Colorado 
         DAVE WAS HERE!          | [polo@Solbourne.COM]