[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] Ericson RAM problem !!

jagrogan@vax1.tcd.ie (11/19/90)

Hey there,
	I have a friend who has an Ericson Xt clone. The problem is that she has
only 256K on RAM and wants to expand up to 640K. This machine is about 5-6 years
old. Does anyone know if your standard RAM chips can be used, or do Ericson machines
need to have 'special' chips. I took a look at the motherboard and I think it has
room for all chips needed (I know that most existing chips will have to be replaced).
If this doesn't work, can I get a plug-in card with the extra RAM?
    3rd Year Computer Science		   jagrogan@vax1.tcd.ie@cunyvm.cuny.edu
     Trinity College Dublin.                      jagrogan@vax1.tcd.ie
	"I haven't lost my mind.....I'm sure it's backed up here somewhere!"