I am presently experiencing difficulties in getting my pc to correctly display 1024x768 non-interlaced (both 16 and 256 colors). What happens is that the image is "snowy", that is, there's a lot of the pixels that are blinking on and off (I don't know the percentage doing this, but it doesn't take many to make the picture look bad). I don't have any problems if I run the system in interlaced mode (done simply by toggling a switch on the video board), or if I run at a resolution of 800x600 or lower (either interlaced or non-interlaced). Here's a detailed description of the components: Mother board: Omnitel 386-33 Video board : Orchid Pro-Designer II with 1 Mb. Monitor : Sony (I don't remember the number (?1304), but it's the new one that is capable of 1024x768 non-interlaced operation). The applications where I've experienced this occurence are FRACTINT 14.0 and CSHOW (displaying 1024x768x256 GIF's). I run Windows 3.0 at 1024x768, but I just realized that I haven't tested this problem in Windows. What I've tried so far (based on recommendations by technicians at Orchid and Omnitel) are: 1) Replaced the Orchid video board. Nothing changed. 2) Moved the Orchid video board from a 16 bit slot to an 8 bit slot, nothing changed (the technician at Orchid interpreted this to mean that the problem is not in the video board, but is probably in the mother board or maybe even the monitor). What I haven't yet tried: 1) A different monitor. 2) A different motherboard. Any suggestions? Is there an inherent incompatibility between these components? Thank you. Jon Noring