[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] help finding multiport serial card

rbm@srhqla.SR.COM (Ron Miller) (11/27/90)

HELP!    Need multi-port serial card recommendation

I am in immediate need of a multi port serial card that I can use
in my Everex Step 386 running Interactive Unix Sys V 3.2 v 2.2 and 
a Northgate 386-33Meg running ESIX (whichever ver they are going to 
ship us).

In the Step (with ISC) I had an Intel iMX Port 8 card which did
everything well except RTS/CTS (hardware) flow control which we
require on one of the ports.  I went so far as to send wiring
diagrams and schematics to Intel, and got the best of intentions
but no resolution from them until they finally gave up and offered
me my money back.  (This is when they informed me that they were
discontinuing the serial card lines all together).  By the way, there
is nothing unusual about my application.  We are using an in-house
serial card on the external device but there is nothing funny about 
it's flow control.

So, I need advice on which card(s) you have had sucess with.  I need
modem control on one port and hardware flow control on another.  The
rest are just three wire using XON/XOFF.

One last issue: I don't have extra irq's.  The rest of the cards
use up most of the irq's so I can't use a card that requires one
interrupt per port.  Somebody told me that the 386 has a "special"
interrupt (2) that allows "layering".  In other words, you can assign
several devices to the same irq and the hardware takes care of ensuring
that the proper device is serviced at the proper time.  Is this true?
If so, where is this documented?

Please help if you can.  I can be reached at:

(voice) 800-745-4888 or:

				       - Ron Miller, System Administrator
 	                  Silent Radio HeadQuarters, Los Angeles (srhqla)

               And remember, when things get tough, the tough get things!
				       - Ron Miller, System Administrator
 	                  Silent Radio HeadQuarters, Los Angeles (srhqla)
               And remember, when things get tough, the tough get things!