halco@iccgcc.decnet.ab.com (12/02/90)
Just as I was about to upgrade my system with a new ST-1126A hard drive (IDE, 3.5", 111 MB, Seagate/Imprimis), I find that I can get a ST-1144A (IDE, 3.5", 144MB, Seagate/?) for *less* money. My problem is that while I have asked around about the 1around about the 1126A and have heard generI know zero about the background of the 1144A. Does anyone out there have experience with the ST-1144A? It's numbered like another Imprimis Swift drive but seems to be a new design. It also has 3 resistors and 2 rework wired tacked on the electronics board, which may or may not imply design flaws. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? If I get enough replies I will post a summary. Thanks.