(Karsten Gessner) (12/29/90)
High Resolution Graphic Adapter on IBM PC We are searching a good graphic adapter on IBM PC. The requirements are: resolution of 1024 x 768 or 1280 x 1024, refreshrate higher then 70 hz, 256 colors, windows 3.0 driver, very fast for electronic publishing. I would need company information, phone, fax and contact. We are even interested in 24 Bit Color Adapters. Who has those? Beneath EVGA there are adapters which use the WD Chip set or the TI 34020. What is faster for electronic publishing and colorretouching? What is the best monitor to use with? Till now we think that the Sony GDM 1934 or 1936 is best. Any other informations? We are located in germany and we would be interested in purchasing an interesting number of adapters. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- E-Mail: <kg@tub.UUCP> <kg@tub.BITNET> <karsten@MacNet> DTP Partner, Ragnar Kruse, Kielerstr. 131, 2000 Hamburg 50, Germany, Phone: 49-40-855 081, Fax: 49-40-851 31 43.