[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] What's wrong with this picture?

schwalbe@pinocchio.encore.com (Jim Schwalbe) (12/29/90)

I just upgraded my system to a 386SX-20 with AMI BIOS (dated 4/9/90) and the
Chips & Technology chip set.  As I was running the XCMOS Setup program and 
playing with a few of the parameters, I noticed something strange.  Seeing
as how this is a farily common combination, I thought others might have 
noticed the same thing.  I varied a few things; the Wait States (0/1), 
memory interleaving (enabled/disabled) and the shadowing (enabled/disabled).
I also changed the CPU clock speed (8/10/16/20 MHz).  Then I ran Norton 5.0
System Information (SI) Benchmark for CPU performance.  The first thing I
noticed was the shadowing had no effect on the Norton SI under any of the 
above conditions.  I confirmed that the shadowing was working by running
Manifest Memory Timings and I could see the speed improve in the shadowed
areas.  Norton's benchmard doesn't seem to pick this up.  These are the
results I got from varying the other parameters:

(BTW, I am running with 4 Meg of 80 ns 1Mx9 SIMMs in Bank 0 and Bank1)

	    1 WS	    1 WS	    0 WS	    0 WS
Speed	|   Int. Disabled   Int. Enabled    Int. Disabled   Int. Enabled
8 MHz	|   4.6		    3.1		    5.8		    4.0
10 MHz	|   5.8		    3.9		    7.4		    5.0
16 MHz	|   9.5		    6.3		    11.8	    7.9
20 MHz	|   11.8	    7.9		    Hangs	    10.0

My Observations:

1.) Performance does seem to scale with speed.  Good.
2.) With interleaving disabled, adding a wait state to the accesses does
    slow things down. Good.
3.) Enabling interleaving seems to slow things down?  Why would 0 WS with
    interleaving be slower than 1 WS without interleaving?  The only thing
    I can figure is that with interleaving, each access has one (or more) WS 
    but they overlap to get an effective 0 WS when actually there is a WS in 
    each individual access.  So where is the advantage of interleaving here?  
    Has anyone figured this out?
4.) The system won't run at 0 WS without interleaving with 80 ns RAMs?  At 20
    MHz, 2 bus cycles is 100 ns.  Is there that much overhead through the C & T
    Chipset?  Will 70 ns RAMs get me to 0 WS non-interleaved?

: Jim Schwalbe               .----------------. "Half of what I say is      : 
: Hardware Research Group .--+-------------.  |  meaningless; but I say it  :
: Encore Computer Corp.   |  | E N C O R E |  |  so that the other half may :
: Mail:                   |  `-------------+--'  reach you."                :
:  schwalbe@encore.com    `----------------'             - Kahil Gibran     :