[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] Seeking info=> PC 256k to 640k upgrade

jewell@athena.mit.edu (Darrin B Jewell) (12/29/90)

I have a true B series IBM PC that originally had 256k on the motherboard 
in four bank of 64k chips.  I am attempting to upgrade this to 640k on the 
motherboard.  Banks 0 and 1 have been replaced with 256k chips already, and
i left the 64k chips in banks 3 and 4.  To complete the upgrade, i believe
i have to add address lines to the new chips.  I heard that this involved
replacing a PAL (programmable array logic chip) and possible adding a few 
lines.  These are procedures i can handle, however i need the info on how 
to carry out this upgrade.  I also may be wrong about the method, but i know
the procedure can be done, and is not too complicated.  The ROM on board
is, to my knowledge able to handle this upgrade.  

If anyone has any information regarding this upgrade, I would appreciate
it if they could please forward it to me.  E-mail is appreciated, and a
summary will be posted

  Thank you all in advance.

Darrin Jewell ----------jewell@athena.mit.edu-----------------KA2ZLZ------
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