shwake@raysnec.UUCP (Ray Shwake) (01/06/91) (Greg Ebert) writes: >Intel alleges Cyrix's foundry uses an Intel-patented process during wafer >fabrication. Their suit was filed a day after Cyrix's suit. What seems >odd to me is that Cyrix was sued, instead of the manufacturer (Taiwan >Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp.) Here we go again! Small, dynamic company comes out with a competitive product, but highly paid managers and hot shot engineers decide they can't be bothered actually *making* anything - certainly not locally! So yet more work is sent overseas, and another opportunity for strengthening our domestic manufacturing base is lost. Mind you, this shouldn't be taken as a bias toward Intel. In early '89, a loose 80386/20 in an AOX card I was considering slipped out of its socket. On its bottom was stamped "KOREA". Sigh! No Asia-bashing intended; we're doing this to ourselves. For a comprehensive review of the whole competitiveness issue, check out _Making_ Things_Better_:_Competing_In_Manufacturing_ by the U.S. Office of Technology Assessment. ---------------- uunet!media!ka3ovk!raysnec!shwake shwake@rsxtech