[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] Aamazing CM-8426, Wise SVGA Card, & Power II Monitor Opinions

scalawag@blake.u.washington.edu (Keith Frederick) (01/06/91)

I would like information and opinions on the Aamazing CM-8426 monitor, the
Power II (by Lite On) monitor, and the Wise SVGA (w/ 1 meg) card.

If anyone uses the Wise card or the monitors (especially together) I would 
like to hear comments on performanace, are they nice monitors? Do they
support the 72-hz refresh? Does the card support the 72-hz refresh, etc.

Any information would be GREATLY appreciate and win you a Marvel No-Prize.

Thanks in advance.
|                                    |                                     |
| Keith R. Frederick                 | Happiness is our moral purpose.     |
| scalawag@blake.u.washington.edu    | If you see Dr. Fu Manchu, kill him! |
| CIS: 73760,3521                    |.....................................|
| (206)285-1576 - voice              | ::: 4th year Senior / Economics ::: |