[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] UUPC Setup Question

martinh@vast.eecs.unsw.oz (Hancock) (01/08/91)

I am having a problem with setting up the UUPC software.
In the setup file SYSTEMS which is the setup for the UUIO
programs, I'm not sure that I am using the correct parameters.
The modem is a Bit Blitzer which is Hayes AT compatable. I think
the problem lies with the main frame, when UUIO is executed
it actually dials the main frame.  After connected 
The error message is LOGIN FAILED !!
The main frame is set up to detect a "space" not a "return" this could
be the problem. 

Does anybody know the correct format for the SYSTEMS file and how
to assert a "space" after connection is made???

Thanks in advance
