[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] RF interference

v127p9xg@ubvmsd.cc.buffalo.edu (Robert J Miskines) (02/08/91)

<Posted for a friend>

I have an IBM PC/AT 12 mhz compatible, and a Leading Edge XT compatible. I plan
to use both for various amatuer/shortwave radio applications. However, both
machines now generate enough RF noise to drown out all incoming signals. 

A few questions:

1) The rcvr Im now using is fed directly with a random-wire antenna. I plan
to upgrade to a decent xcvr. With this will of course come an antenna fed with
coaxial cable. Will this elimiate/reduce <significantly> the amount of noise?

2) If that doesnt work, are there any relatively cheap/easy ways to modify the
computers (some form of shielding perhaps? they're already in grounded metal
cases) to produce less noise? 

Again, for what I plan to use the computers for, they will have to be on    
simultaneously with the radio.. so shutting one down until Im done with the 
other is not an alternative. 

Thank You 
Robert J Miskines
V127P9XG @ ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu