[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] Quadram Quadboard settings

mebrenna@vela.acs.oakland.edu (Michael E. Brennan) (02/11/91)


I need the dip switch settings for the board with two sets of 64k
chips.  What banks to put them in, how to disable the lpt? and com?
ports.  It will be put in with another board that has 256k already on
it, so I need to tell it to start at 512 address, is there special

Please E-mail me

Thank you

Michael E. Brennan                        | Office Automation, Software Support
mebrenna@vela.acs.oakland.edu (Internet)  |   Phone 313-370-4560
mebrennan@argo.acs.oakland.edu            |   Campus Network Support 
michael@oasis.oa.oakland.edu (Novell)     |   Computer & Systems Engin
                                          |     @Oakland University