[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] low-level format of IBM XT 10 meg HD

rcharbon@athena.mit.edu (Ray Charbonneau) (02/28/91)

I would like to find a method of doing a low-level format on original
IBM PC-XT 10 Meg hard disks without having to get the Advanced
Diagnostics.  Unfortunately, Norton 5.0's Calibrat program doesn't
deal with this type of disk.

Please e-m, but I will be checking for posts.

Ray Charbonneau              |  Appropriate remark! - Dave Barry
rcharbon@athena.mit.edu      |  b.i.b.w.y.l.o.a.i.w.y.i.t.b.w.- Brian Smith
MIT and the Library Systems Office are glad that I'm posting my opinions
here so that they don't have to listen to them anymore.