[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] Noninterlaced vs. Interlaced monitors - summary

ff76@vaxb.acs.unt.edu (03/04/91)

A little over a month ago, I had posted a query regarding the usefulness
of a non-interlaced monitor over an interlaced monitor, espcially at 
resolutions of 1024 x 760.  I received over 25 reponses from people with
varying levels of expertise.  I have concatenated the responses, edited 
out the "junk" in the headers, removed some white space, pleasantries,
salutations, and disclaimers.  But still, the file is over 900 lines.

If any of you wish to receive it, please send me a meesage requesting it.
If I receive more than 15 repsonses, I will consider it important enough
to post it on this forum.  If any of you have strong objections to that,
please let me know.  In either case, PLEASE SEND ME E-MAIL TO *MY* E-MAIL
ADDRESS, if you wish to inform me.  Apart from the usual and altruistic
considerations of saving net-clutter, I will be hard pressed for time to
peruse any followup messages.

Regards,   -  Jhinuk.

Jhinuk Chowdhury

Internet : FF76@VAXB.ACS.UNT.EDU
Bitnet   : FF76@UNTVM1