[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] Jabert power supply--any good?

smsmith@hpuxa.ircc.ohio-state.edu (Stephen M. Smith) (03/05/91)

Well, I found the exact tower case I want at a VERY good price.
But it comes with a "Jabert" power supply (I hope I'm spelling
that right--I had the salesman spell it out for me).  It's
an American-made 230W p/s with a 2 year warranty (UL rated).

Any experience with Jabert?  I don't want to fry the components 
in my new 386-33!!!

Stephen M. Smith  \  +  /
<smsmith@hpuxa.   \+++++/    " #*&<-[89s]*(k#$@-_=//a2$]'+=.(2_&*%>,,@
 ircc.ohio-state. \  +  /      {7%*@,..":27g)-=,#*:.#,/6&1*.4-,l@#9:-)  "
 edu>             \  +  / 
 BTW, WYSInaWYG   \  +  /                              --witty.saying.ARC