(Ken Mandelberg) (03/04/91)
I am trying to run a 1.44MB 3.5" Sony and a 1.2MB 5.25" Okidata on one controller. The Sony is the built in, and I added the Okidata with the usual twisted cable used to add a second drive. The cable goes to the Sony first and then to the Okidata. It all almost works, except for one thing. When both are connected the Okidata works, but the Sony doesn't. If I powerdown the Okidata or disconnect the data cable from it, the Sony works. The drives definitley don't have conflicting addreses because of the twist. The Sony is A: the Okidata is B:. (Both are drive 1, but the twist changes the Okidata). I have no spec sheets on the jumpers for either drives. The Sony seems to have nothing but drive address, with no obvious provision for on drive termination. The Okidata does have dip switch marked terminator, but either way it interferes with the Sony. I've fiddled with all the other dips and jumpers on the Okidata and none help the Sony up the line. Any ideas? -- Ken Mandelberg | PREFERRED Emory University | {rutgers,gatech}!emory!km UUCP Dept of Math and CS | km@emory.bitnet NON-DOMAIN BITNET Atlanta, GA 30322 | Phone: Voice (404) 727-7963, FAX 727-5611
Virgilio.Vincenzo@p13.f602.n332.z2.FIDONET.SUBLINK.ORG (Virgilio Vincenzo) (03/07/91)
I have had a similar experience. Make sure that neither of drive is also configured as drive 1 (or 2 or 3) because twistling the cable you will make it drive 0!!! For this look to a jumper setting on the drive itself. Xiao Vinc. -- WolfNet BBS Pisa (Italy) Tel. +39-50-589050 300-14.4K Baud Matrix 2:332/602.0 Virgilio Vincenzo - via FidoNet node 2:332/602 UUCP: ...!gear!wolf!602.13!Virgilio.Vincenzo ARPA: Virgilio.Vincenzo@p13.f602.n332.z2.FIDONET.SUBLINK.ORG