[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] Voice Synthesizer

kim@dtoa3.dt.navy.mil (Kim) (03/09/91)

    I am looking for VOICE SYNTHESIZER two way communication. It is
voice recognize product. Any human voice on the phone transmits
into charactor on the computer screen and the charactor transmits
or convert into the voice. It is good for the hearing impaired people
communicate with hearing people on the phone.

   So far what I know is IBM personal Communicator. It is one way communicator.
It can comminicate two way. However, the hearing person has to use a
push button phone only and push the numberic pad to make words. For
example,  for talk "love", you must push number, 5683. then computer
will figure out what word could be. It could be different words.

   It makes hearing person annoy this very easily unless she/he has
very great patient.

   Has anyone known this another product for VOICE RECOGNISED HARDWARE,
or VOICE SYNTHESIZER for 2 way comminication?  If you heard or saw this
product please E-mail me at kim@dtoa3.dt.navy.mil

Thank you