[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] looking for single chip transmitter

lpdjb@brahms.amd.com (Jerry Bemis) (03/12/91)

I would like to find a single chip AM or FM transmitter.
I want to operate on a small 3V battery.  
A 10mW output will be enough.
What have you used?
I intend to put this in the handle of a screwdriver.  I want to be able 
to find my tools where ever they might be.  
The AM band will be best so I can  use a ADF to find my tools around the 
hanger or jet.


klingler@triton.unm.edu (David Klingler) (03/14/91)

Sounds like all you may need is a simple 1 transistor oscillator transistor
set to about 1 megahertz (for AM), and have it drive a pi network tank
curcuit.  You can probably find circuits for these and more in any old
Radio Amateurs Handbook in a public library.  Keep it down in the power
level you specified to keep your neighbors/FCC/FAA off your back though.