(Jack Callahan) (03/21/91)
I just wanted to relate a good experience I had with installing a Hardcard XLII this past weekend. I bought the card at Soft- warehouse in Tyson's Corner, VA. I have no affliation with them or the Hardcard people (check the .sig). Upon installation I discovered a problem. My current controller (an ST21/22) plugged into my 386/25 motherboard, wouldn't let me configured the hardcard without losing the floppy drives. The ST21/22 is an RLL controller and supports 2 floppies and 1 hard drive on my machine. The Hardcard, as I understand it, is an MFM controller. Well, I have no documentation on the ST21/22 and I suspected that other people had this same problem. I called Hardcard Product support at 7pm EST (4pm PST). Quite promptly, a guy named "Rich" answered and we had the problem solved within 30 minutes. The ST21/22 had to be reconfigured at a new BIOS address. Everything works great now and I am happy. I usually dread calling product support lines (this was my first experience actually), but this was a pleasant experience. My thanks to the Hardcard people (especially "Rich") for the assistance. -- jack