[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] Need a recommendation for a VGA card

cgaeth@amsaa-cleo.brl.mil (Christopher Gaeth) (03/26/91)

Hello netters,

      I have a question for you.  I looking to replace the cheap Paradise
clone SVGA card that I have with something a little better.  Right now I have 
to exclude a rather large patch of memory so that Qemm386 does not conflict 
with the card.  I had borrowed a friends Cardinal VGA card while my GTK SVGA 
went back to Microlab because it didn't recognize 512k.  I didn't have any 
problems with the Cardinal and it was faster the GTK but the Cardinal only 
had 256k.  Can anyone recommend a good SVGA card that is relatively 
inexpensive ($100-$150) that isn't a cheap clone??  Your response is greatly

Chris Gaeth                     |  My opinions are my own Tues-Thurs.  The
P.O. Box 260                    |  rest of the week I'm not responsible.
Belcamp, MD. 21017-0260         |
(301) 278-6395                  |
cgaeth@amsaa-cleo.brl.mil       |