[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] Kensington Turbo Mouse driver

cgaeth@amsaa-cleo.brl.mil (Christopher Gaeth) (03/29/91)

    I recently aquired a used Kensington Turbo mouse, however the gentlemen 
no longer had the drivers for it.  Would anyone out there in net land have 
this mouse and the drivers for the MSDOS machines?  I really would like to 
get this mouse up and running.


Chris Gaeth                     |  My opinions are my own Tues-Thurs.  The
P.O. Box 260                    |  rest of the week I'm not responsible.
Belcamp, MD. 21017-0260         |
(301) 278-6395                  |
cgaeth@amsaa-cleo.brl.mil       |