ms@dvamc.UUCP (01/16/84)
I was supposed to move to Hawaii about 3 years ago (obviously never did), and was also interested in biking and camping possibilities. I have two friends out there now who sold all their new camping equipment because of problems with violence against caucasians, and several campsites had to be closed. I was also told about the problems of riding a bike on back roads and in general touring - again there was violence. That sure burst a few bubbles. However, things may be different now. That's the way it was a few years ago. There have been problems for some time now between the 'islanders' and caucasians, usually related to the way that tourists and stupid caucasians treatthe islanders as 'natives'. There is quite a bit of conflict because Hawaii depends heavily on tourism for its income, yet the tourists are the ones that often cause the greatest strife. Any way, if you want, I can call my friends over there and get up to date information. Just drop me some mail. Marc decvax!mcnc!dvamc!ms 919-286-0411 x6504 Durham VA Med Ctr Durham, NC