[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] Search for 40watt power supplies

wards@iies.ecn.purdue.edu (Sherman Ward) (04/02/91)

Hello net,


1)   I am looking for a source of 40watt power supplies to be
     used in 20MB, external hardisk units.

2)   does anyone know how I can get in touch with "Skynet Electronics"? 
     (the original maker of the power supply)

My Tale of Woe: 

   I purchased 6-8 Everex "Emac 20DL" units back in August of 
1989.  (i.e. warranty expired)  Recently, 2 or 3 of these units 
have begun to "spin down" and then "spin up" at random intervals.  
(no problem iffn you aren't doing any disk access at the time ;-)

   I called Everex & they won't play "good samaritan" and
allow me to purchase a replacement power supply.  (they did
offer to repair the unit at the going price :-(

   I can find 150watt power supplies, but these are too big to
fit back into the case and this is SEVERE over-kill.

The HD units are attached to Macintosh SE computers.

Please e-mail your responses to me
Thanks in advance
+SNAIL: Sherman Ward / Freshman Engineering / Purdue University /   +
+       Rm 221 Engineering Admin. Bldg. / West Lafayette, IN  47907 +
+ wards@ecn.purdue.edu    + (317) 494-3976 +  I believe in Murphy!  +