[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] 80287s, again

stevew@en.ecn.purdue.edu (Steven L Wootton) (04/08/91)

I asked a while back about the different 80287-compatible chips on the
market, and I received several useful replies.  Basically, I learned that at
a given clock speed, the IIT 2c87 is faster than the Intel part, and the
Intel chip is faster than the AMD 287.

Now there have been a couple new twists: the price of the 2c87 has
dropped, and there appears to be more than one AMD 287 on the market.

The 2c87-20 is now down to $165, and the 287XL is $185.  This makes the
choice a virtual no-brainer.  Also, as the 2c87-10 is $127, is there any
reason anyone would go with the significantly-slower $100 AMD chip?

And finally, a couple of companies are advertising AMD 80C287-10s and
80C287-12s at different prices ($110, $130).  AMD advertising does not
mention clock speeds.  Are these really the same chip, or are there
multiple AMD 287s?  Also, what is the highest workable clock speed for the
AMD 287?


Steve Wootton